A 501(c)(3) Non-For Profit Organization
Welcome to Kindness Werks and thank you for visiting our website. Kindness Werks is a non-profit organization with a mission to support mental health awareness and treatment through the sale of the products offered on this website, and through donations to our cause from generous people like you. The profits generated by these sales will help to support treatment centers, large and small, both locally and nationally, and help eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness.
It is an unfortunate truth that persons who struggle with mental health disorders are among the least understood and most mistreated people in our society. Also true is that the percentage of people struggling with mental illness in our society continues to increase. Whether because of their own symptoms or those of a family member or friend, an estimated 25% of the population in the United States, is affected by mental health issues. At Kindness Werks, we believe that our message can make a huge difference and go a long way to improving the lives of those most in need. But why stop there? The values of kindness, clarity, balance, and peace, along with their symbols, express our sincere hope for everyone.
The world today is so complicated that these values can get lost in our everyday activities. We miss the opportunity to put them into practice. Perhaps we’re too busy with our own stressors. Maybe we simply don’t think of it. But, what if the idea of kindness, clarity, balance, and peace was on our minds more often? Wouldn’t that lead to a better society for everyone? We believe it would, and we hope you do too.
Please purchase and wear our shirts and use our products to remind everyone who sees them to put these values to work in their lives. It will remind you as well. Plus, you will be doing something incredible to help those who are struggling with mental health problems. How cool is that?
Please help all of us at Kindness Werks, Inc make an amazing and much needed difference in the field of mental health treatment by supporting this mission. Rest assured that your purchases and donations will help to further our mission to support mental health awareness and treatment, and bring the values of Kindness, Clarity, Balance, and Peace into greater public view.
Kindest Regards,
Bob Mayton, RN, CEO, Musician